Significant Brainstorming Activities for Young Learners

5 min readNov 27, 2020


Significant Brainstorming Activities for Young Learners

“Teamwork makes the dream work”, quite a popular quote describing the beauty of input from multiple people in a single task to achieve that desired objective.
Group members putting in their contributions, collaborating in teamwork, and finding out the effective solution to a problem by spending time together while discussing and sharing ideas.
Brainstorming activities are done in a group, where members are collaborators of ideas and put their creativity together and yield desired pathways to reach a certain milestone.

How is it done?

  • A group of people sitting together and sharing a similar objective.
  • They are needed to think about different ideas to perform a single task and achieve the desired result.
  • Then the best idea out of all is to be evaluated and taken into consideration.

Brainstorming activities help you to get a better approach by putting efforts which are more than enough.

Some of these activities are:

  1. Creating Mind Maps:

​Working on a project and you need to lay down every single piece on a sheet, this is the situation where mind maps help you to organize the structure of the whole problem and understand it in a hierarchical diagrammatic manner. While creating mind maps, we are easily able to lay down every idea and transition.
Mind maps have become so popular that these days, there is multiple online mind map creating tools that are easily available.

2. Drivers Analysis:

In this method, one needs to understand find the drivers of the whole situation. We can put light on questions like what can drive a positive solution? What drives the significant results? What will drive the reaction of the client? What part can drive the user? These questions will further drive the team to gather ideas, which can be used and make the project solution more appealing to the client or user.
Drivers analysis can help the team to think through the perspective of others.

3. SWOT Analysis:

SWOT analysis stands for the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to any project or any organization. While putting team inputs, a SWOT analysis helps to explore the collaboration of team members to justify whether a project is worth undertaking or not, by discussing its SWOTs. This helps to study the project broadly through the time perspective as well, keeping in mind the current and future results.
SWOT analysis is a part of brainstorming and is usually considered as one of the collaborative activity.

4. Asking Whys:

Gathering the ideas from each other, and not knowing which idea might work and what will be more efficient can be a real issue if not addressed at an early stage. Therefore, the activity of asking “why” to every idea and situation occurring in the way of execution of any project can be helpful.
While considering any idea we should ask ourselves a question, “why this?”, “Why not the other way?” and while implementing the idea, we must ask, “ Why is this happening?”, “Why will it succeed?” and so on.
These “WHYs” will help to answer reasonable and necessary questions, moreover, they will help to explore the idea with precise details.

5. Brainstorming with the Internet:

This activity includes the use of the internet while looking for ideas. This method can help us to explore worldwide used methods and approaches to handle a single problem. It gives us abundant ways, using which one thing can be done.
Internet will help you to collaborate online and work effectively. The ideas are easily available over the internet, once we take personal selections from the internet, the next step is to come together and work upon each’s input and take out the best one.

6. Note writing:

The method involves taking notes of the discussions and everybody’s approach to the problem. The notes will then be passed to others for collective thinking and finding trends. This will not help to understand other valuable points from a different perspective, but it will help to integrate multiple ideas into one as well.

7. Reverse Thinking:

This method tells us to be in the shoes of clients and see the way they are expecting us to get tasks done. Reverse thinking is the rewiring of ideas from a different point of view and understands how multiple approaches can make a huge difference in obtaining results.

These Brainstorming activities help us to learn new ways of collaborative working and putting our contribution to group activities. This collaboration might be an issue for some people, but it can be improved by taking part in organizations personality grooming classes , which put the main focus to make a person team and goal-oriented.
The collaborative work environment can lead to gain the best results in a good amount of time. Performing these brainstorming activities will help to encourage and uplift the team spirit in-group members, helping them to work in a healthy environment.

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Written by StrengthsTheatre

Develop your inner self and strengths with premium personality development classes conducted by Sanjeev Datta, the jury member of Miss India Organisation.

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