Learn Your Personality Type From 5 Basic Temperament Theory

5 min readNov 13, 2022


Do you know the personality type you possess? From the principle of the 5 basic temperaments, you can determine your personality type. There are 5 basic personality types according to this proto-psychological theory: Sanguine (exuberant, lively, and social), Choleric (quick-tempered, rapid, and irritable), Melancholy (analytical, wise, and quiet), Phlegmatic (calm and serene), and Supine (mixture of introvert and extrovert). The majority of formulations allow for the possibility of combinations of people who share two or more temperaments. Let’s explore this topic in more detail!

Learn Your Personality Type From 5 Basic Temperament Theory

1. SANGUINE (Extrovert)

The sanguine is a very sociable individual who enjoys being around people. This temperament is the easiest one to get along with in social situations. They are kind, extroverted, and affectionate people. They add life and enthusiasm into a space simply by being present. Their enthusiasm and sense of humor brighten everyone’s day. They are the kind of upbeat individuals that think life is an exciting and enjoyable experience that ought to be enjoyed to the maximum. They become anxious when they are inactive since they prefer a fast-paced lifestyle. Of all the temperaments, the Sanguine is the most impulsive one.

They are excellent communicators but struggle with task-related relationships. Of all the temperaments, they are the least ordered and disciplined. They may be callous even though they are extroverted, enthusiastic, warm, sympathetic, and seem to understand other people’s emotions. Since they don’t want to be burdened with obligations and just want to have fun, they are not often trustworthy or loyal companions.

The Sanguine rarely learn from their past mistakes because they live as if they have no past or future. They often exaggerate things. They exaggerate to appear more accomplished than they are while never admitting their mistakes. Their primary weakness is that they exhibit harsh and destructive behavior.

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2. Choleric (Extrovert)

This temperament is known to be the strongest and most destructive of all the temperaments. It is reasonable to suggest that Choleric was one of the most dreaded dictators and evil criminals in history. It’s time to enroll in a personality development course if you consider yourself to be a choleric personality.

They have very strong willpower. Even if they are mistaken, once they have made up their minds, they hardly ever do so. They rarely pay attention to other people’s suggestions. They desire complete control over both themselves and everyone else in their vicinity. They think they know what is best for others around them and what constitutes appropriate behavior in their eyes. They struggle greatly with anger management.

The demands of others don’t matter to the choleric folks because they are so incredibly self-centered. They tend to display other feelings like love, kindness, warmth, and compassion less frequently. When other people exhibit the same sentiments, they dismiss them as unimportant and pointless.

3. MELANCHOLY (Introvert)

These people need to learn how to express their emotions because they are emotionally very guarded and defensive. Being trustworthy and accountable is how a melancholy shows or declares their love for someone, rather than necessarily expressing it physically or verbally. They can envision the outcomes of a project before beginning due to their intellectual and analytical energies.

They have an extremely delicate emotional disposition, and sentiments rule their existence. They experience significant mood swings on occasion, as well as dark and depressive times. Meeting new people is challenging for these people since they are naturally antisocial, and social activities exhaust them.

They are self-motivated and don’t react to rewards or punishments. They frequently strive for perfection and have high expectations for both themselves and those around them. They have a strong sense of loyalty to their friends and family. The melancholy would fulfill any promises they make. They are highly imaginative individuals who are also prone to severe depression. They are quite serious and private individuals.

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4. PHLEGMATIC (Introvert)

The phlegmatic temperament is very unyielding and slow-moving. They live life quietly, doing as little as they can, and using as little energy as they can. It’s unclear whether the phlegmatic has a low energy level or whether it’s because they choose not to waste what little energy they do have.

They are task-oriented and have a strong capacity for work that demands accuracy and precision while consuming little energy. These people can only regenerate while sleeping. The world might never be made aware of all the amazing ideas, outstanding publications, breathtaking artwork, or admirable ministries that were interred with the phlegmatic. Because it would take excessive time and energy to put these ideas into practice, they rarely, if ever, use their ideas and talents.

The most stable temperament is phlegmatic. When it comes to making adjustments, this temperament is the most resistant of all temperaments. They are natural negotiators and diplomats because of their propensity towards disengagement. Their only motto is “Peace at all costs.”

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5. SUPINE (Introvert/Extrovert)

Supine people typically have a lot of interests and concerns but little skill or need to communicate their needs. The majority of the time, they are unable or unwilling to articulate their wishes or desires. Supines are neither indifferent nor careless about life despite their sluggish pace and diligence. They have a worldview that leads them to believe that others are better than they are. They frequently work for themselves in roles that allow them to serve other people. They’ll work obediently to appease those they believe to be superior to themselves. The supine seems to be a hybrid of the sanguine and the melancholy, which is perhaps the best way to characterize this personality.

They enjoy working with people and have a strong desire to help others. They have a naturally kind spirit. When they are young, other kids frequently harass and abuse them. Usually, they take their time to defend themselves. Instead, they tend to hold their hurt and rage inside, thinking they are deserving of the abuse they get. If you come to know that your child is having this temperament type, make them attend classes on personality development for kids; your child will be benefitted more from these classes. The supine may come across as a domineering person to other temperament types; they look to be from the outside. The reality, however, is that they are tricking people into taking care of them because they do not want to be accountable for making decisions themselves.

They are unable to take the lead in expressing passion and love. They must constantly be reminded that they are cherished, needed, and valued. Most supine doesn’t get their needs addressed because they are unable or reluctant to communicate their wants. Even though they present a cool and reserved appearance, they need close, one-on-one attention, love, and tenderness.

Hope we’ve covered everything there is to know about the 5 basic temperament types. Discover your temperament’s genuine nature! Then, take advantage of its positive and negative aspects! Bye-bye!

Originally published at https://sanjeevdatta.w3spaces.com.




Written by StrengthsTheatre

Develop your inner self and strengths with premium personality development classes conducted by Sanjeev Datta, the jury member of Miss India Organisation.

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