Benefits of Learning from Mistakes
A mistake is an action, judgment or decision that produces undesired or unintended results. Who does not make mistakes? As Albert Einstein put it, “The only sure way to avoid mistakes is to have no ideas”. Anyone who says that he does not make mistakes is fooling himself more than he is fooling others. We all make mistakes as we grow through childhood into adolescence and adults.
It is sheer carelessness, poor analysis, insufficient knowledge, confusion, and improper reasoning and at times misplaced confidence about a situation which results in a mistake. Mistakes are a part of being human and very correctly summed up by James Joyce “Mistakes are the portals of discovery”. So the one who benefits of learning from mistakes is the one who is busy making mistakes and becoming superior while the other is hesitant and continues to feel inferior.
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The most important part is to learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating them. Learning from a mistake is recognizing our fault, taking the onus for our actions and not blaming them on others. It is extremely important to recognize our part in the problem and taking full responsibility for our actions ensuring not to repeat in the future. This challenges us to do things differently and motivates us to try new innovative approaches to solving a problem, helping us become wiser and develop good judgment.
We make a lot of simple, stupid and involved or habitual mistakes without even realizing that we have made a mistake. When our children use to play video games on play stations and at times the TV screen became static or when as kids during our childhood listening to an interesting program on the radio and suddenly it started making a cacophony of noise except the voice of the radio jockey, we use to smack the machine as hard as we could. Interestingly at times, it would work and other times it would be very frustrating. Eventually, after weeks of constant beating, the delicate electronic equipment would work against us and simply give way and conk off. Our impatience and ignorance would take the better of us and such simple, stupid and habitual mistakes would devoid us of the pleasures of the game or the interesting program till repaired or replaced with a new one. Being bereft of our most loved game or program directly or indirectly was another benefit of learning from our mistake that electronic instruments are delicate and need to be dealt with properly.
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We were taught when we were young that we learn from mistakes, but the reality is to the contrary, and most of us hate and fear them. Interestingly, one day, while driving my child home from his school I happened to ask him of what he had learned in school today. His reply was “nothing”. This not only really surprised me but I was astounded with his reply. On probing further he informed that his class teacher had said that you learn from your mistakes and he had not made any that day. This was a very dangerous sign I noted and then explained him to the contrary, that it is the wise people who admit mistakes, even if privately to themselves. This helps us to learn to shift the focus from the blame game to that of understanding. This incident really stuck with me and I made it a point to meet the principle the next day to impress upon him for some personality development course, personality development training for the students on the benefits of learning from mistakes.
Why do professionals like engineers, doctors, scientists, investigators, detectives, etc. try to get to as many theories or perspectives before reaching to a conclusion? The answer is very simple, human way of perceiving a thing or thinking is fallible, prone to mistakes and biased. The only way to reach to an objective thought process is to compare different perspectives. This is the only and best way to get the benefits of learning from mistakes and come out of a complex situation. In spite of this mistake happen.
We are constantly reminded of the fact that people are not perfect and mistakes happen. Some mistakes can be fatal and can cost us our friends, close relatives or money while others could be inconsequential and at times could be ignored. Regardless of the nature of the mistake, it needs to be acknowledged, analyzed and prevented from future re-occurrence. Learning from mistakes isn’t easy, people should be encouraged to learn and succeed. Only then the benefits of learning from mistakes can be accrued. Positive words from parents, teachers, and mentors during tough times and difficult challenges are essential for growth and development. Lastly, I would harp on the benefits of learning from mistakes with a very interesting quote by Mary Lou Cook, “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun”, and rest my case.