9 Outstanding Benefits of Co-Curricular Activities

4 min readMar 16, 2022


9 Outstanding Benefits of Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities are extracurricular activities that take place outside of the classroom yet complement or enrich the curriculum in some way. They aren’t graded and don’t grant academic credit, but they do offer some type of additional learning. All of these activities take place outside of the typical classroom and provide students with supplemental and complimentary instruction and knowledge. They do not award a grade or academic credit. Co-curricular activities, in general, are extracurricular activities that take place outside of the classroom setting. These are only tangentially related to actual classroom work. Although these activities are not included in the curriculum, they are included in the syllabus. Student newspapers, musical concerts, art displays, mock trials, debate competitions, and mathematics, robotics, and engineering teams and contests are just a few examples of frequent educational activities that could be termed co-curricular. These activities help students in time management, develop problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, communication and collaborative abilities. There are more benefits of co-curricular activities which help one learn informal learning and possess various skills.

1. Improves Academic Performance:

​You may be concerned that participating in extracurricular activities may interfere with your studies, but this is not the case. Your brain will operate better if you actively participate in an activity that you enjoy. Your ability to focus and manage your time will improve. Sports activities, for example, will help you to concentrate, build stamina, and persevere in the face of failure or adversity. Students who participate in extracurricular activities are more likely to have a favorable attitude about school and their future studies. In short, extracurricular activities may provide you with a competitive advantage in terms of academic achievement.

2. Helping students develop stronger time-management and organizational skills:

Students who participate in co-curricular activities learn to efficiently manage their time, prioritize among competing responsibilities, and handle problems proactively and innovatively. Students that are most involved in extracurricular activities often have the best time management abilities. Learning organizing skills is the basic personality development for kids , co-curricular activities teach them both management and organization skills.

4. Broaden Your Horizons:

​Co-curricular activities allow you to focus your attention on something other than school. You may relax into something useful for an hour or two and get away from whatever it is that is worrying you out. Self-confidence can be developed through theater or public speaking. Sports can help you stay fit and healthy. Whatever you choose to do, take a break from studying now and then, this will help you relax.

​You can discover a new interest, talent, or even a career ambition by participating in co-curricular activities. The classroom isn’t the only place where people discover inspiration. You can also discover that fresh encounters shape and inform your views on academic subjects. Putting yourself out of your comfort zone is essential to personal development. Challenge yourself by trying as many co-curricular activities as you can and identifying the ones that help you grow as a person.

5. Helps in building self confidence and self-esteem:

Academically, not every student succeeds. Students’ self-esteem can be considerably improved by experiencing success or being recognized for a contribution to a co-curricular activity. This can frequently have a good impact on classroom performance. Teachers that often provide curricular activities along with co-curricular activities are termed to be the best personality development coach . Public speaking, performing a dance or singing in front of a large audience will help build and boost one’s self-confidence, one will be able to understand his strengths by building up his self-esteem.

6. Building skills that are not necessarily taught in the classroom but are still important for the future:

Co-curricular activities provide students with life skills that are used in the real world. These life skills acquired are not taught in traditional classrooms. All life skills are important for one to grow and have a successful future. These are social skills that include emotional skills, communication skills, leadership skills, problem-solving skills and lastly, time management skills.

7. Provides a way to keep Students Supervised Outside of School hours:

​As co-curricular activities take place outside of school hours, it helps in looking out for students, helping teachers guide students and watching them indulge in good activities rather than being influenced by other negative things. This also helps in developing teacher-student relationships.

8. Develops Practical Knowledge:

​Students are taught a solid theoretical repertoire in the classroom, but they are not usually given ample opportunities to apply what they have learned. Co-curricular activities are a terrific opportunity to get into active mode and acquire confidence in your ability to play your part in this way. This is also a form of job preparation.

9. Prepares for Future Specialization:

​Co-curricular activities might also assist you in determining your post-graduation career choice. When it comes to pursuing a postgraduate degree, it’s advantageous to have some prior understanding of the field in which you wish to specialize. If you chose a scientific initiation in college, for example, you can identify with that field and want to get a master’s degree in that field.

There are many more benefits of co-curricular activities telling us to pay attention towards co-curricular as well. Participating in these activities is important not only for one’s academic training but also for one’s personal, social and professional growth.

Originally published at https://strengthstheatre.weebly.com.




Written by StrengthsTheatre

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