8 Important Problem Solving Skills

6 min readJul 31, 2019


problem solving skills

At every age, some strong reasoning and problem-solving skills are required to meet the daily challenges in life and if you are a dreamer and want to achieve success in life, then to beat the competition at the workplace or to stand out as the only brand in the market, effective problem-solving skills are required. The effective problem-solving skills not only help you in creative thinking, right reasoning, but also gives you immense self-confidence in personal and professional life.

Problems are a part of life. Some problems can be solved easily while others are a bit complex and need a lot of patience and understanding to get solved. We all should have the ability to solve our problems and get past them in life. There is always one way or other to solve a problem but unluckily there is no way through which all our problems can be solved.

We need some important set of effective problem solving skills —


problem solving skills

Ordinary Problems can be solved easily either by your common sense or knowledge gained through previous experiences of yours or the people around you. Complex problems that you have not experienced ever and need a more logical and smart thinking to solve them. Here is when creativity comes into the play. With the use of creative thinking, you can get an easy escape out of your problems.

Also read: Creative Thinking Exercises

Research-Based Skills

problem solving skills

Some of the problem solving needs proper research. Research-based skills required thorough study and analysis to extract out all the relevant and important points to solve a problem. Some of the best examples can be Theatre Action Method designed by Sanjeev Datta, one of the jury members of Miss India Organization. By studying these type of techniques, you can empower yourself with knowledge and solution to your problem. You can either go and talk to people about their experiences and solutions or read virtually about it using Google. Search engine.

Team Work

problem solving skills

Sometimes our problems are best solved when we take suggestions of different people..of people around us..the people we are comfortable with. You can openly talk to them about your problems and get an instant solution. At times, you want to share your problems with other people who are dear to you. It is okay to not be able to solve your problems on your own for once.

Also read: Environment Adaptation Tips

Emotional Intelligence

problem solving skills

Emotional intelligence is your ability to be aware of and understand the emotions of yourself as well as that of others. Emotional intelligence is very beneficial when it comes to emotion management, like anger management. This is one thing if you skill this, it helps you in your professional as well as personal life. Your emotional intelligence will guide you better towards the solution.

Also read: Self Motivation Tips

Risk Management

problem solving skills

Risk management as the name suggests is to manage the risk you are going to take i.e. thinking about all the possibilities — be it good or bad and then deciding how problematic that situation would be for you and taking appropriate ‘pre’ actions that could either avoid the situation or decrease it’s after effect.

Making a Decision

problem solving skills

Once you have thought of all the possibilities next you have to choose one of the options between the various options that will work as the ‘solution’. Decision making can be done through two options -

  • Intuition — When you follow your gut feeling it is known as intuition. Intuition is all based on your personal past experiences. Your intuition reflects the learning of your life. But, it is not always based on reality.. many times it is just based on your perceptions. Think about your gut feeling in-depth and then only take a decision. You should properly reason each course of your action.
  • Reasoning — Reasoning takes into account all the facts and figures and then coming on a decision. You should weigh your past experiences and then form a conclusion. Ignore your emotional voice and think practically.

Also read: Importance of Cognitive Skills

Some of the most important Personality Development Skills that should be present in a person are —


personality development skills

You should practice communication. How you communicate says a lot about your personality. To become an effective communicator learn the importance of correct word usage, management of anger and how well you communicate during stressful situations and handle them.

Dressing Sense

personality development skills

Dressing sense does not always mean you wear expensive clothes. It is mainly how you dress up as per the situation. Let’s say you are going for a job interview — then it is recommended that you wear formal clothes and act simple. It will leave a good impression on the interviewer.

Emotion Management

personality development skills

When you are emotional it takes a toll on your decision-making ability. Most of your decisions will turn out to be incorrect. To avoid this situation, control your emotions and practice to stay calm when you find yourself amidst a stressful situation.

Body Language

personality development skills

Your body language says a lot about your confidence. Carry a positive body language like stand straight, sit properly, avoid unnecessary hand and leg movement, maintain eye contact while speaking, etc to convey a good personality.

Your interpersonal skills come in use when you are interacting with someone. The main elements of your interpersonal skills are — communication and cooperation. Communicate well and build strong relationships.

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Some of the most important Interpersonal Skills are:

personality development skills

Active listening — Listen to others to gather information and have an effective conversation. Avoid distractions — if any.

Be Dependable — Carry a personality that others value. People shouldn’t think twice before being dependent on you

Empathy — Your empathetic behavior will create a positive environment.

Leadership — Be a leader. Carry a personality that people look up to.

Teamwork — Talk openly and work as a team for fast and easy work.

These effective problem solving skills will help you in enhancing your personality and self-improvement. We at Strengthstheatre believe that a strong personality is imperative for a successful life, therefore in our soft skills training, we provide personality development training to students as per their needs and dreams. All the personality development courses are designed by Sanjeev Datta, the jury member of Miss India Organisation with his vision of Theatre Action Method that is a true science-based out of personality development.

Originally published at https://strengthstheatre.com on July 31, 2019.




Develop your inner self and strengths with premium personality development classes conducted by Sanjeev Datta, the jury member of Miss India Organisation.