7 Major Steps of Decision Making Process
Our whole life depends and changes according to the decisions we make. When we are little, our parents make many of those for us. But when we come to the age where we know what we want and realize our dreams, we have to decide the next step. It is not always easy because every decision has consequences. decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and taking the right step. Decisions decide if we are going closer or farther away from our goal. A bad decision can take away some of the progress you made but a good decision can take you to the right decision. Although it is okay to make mistakes and learn from them, the decision making process helps you avoid them. Here are the steps of decision making process.
Listing down 7 Major Steps of Decision Making:
The first step should include knowing why you have to decide what you want to come out of it. You must know the results you are expecting once you have made your decision. This is an important step in the decision making process as it sets the base for the next things you will have to think about before making a decision.
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The second step involves gathering information that could help you with your decision. This requires a lot of research and both internal and external work. Internal work means you need to ask yourself what led you to this place and where do you want to go next. Self-assessment is important. External work means value judgment, determining what information is relevant for the decision you will have to make, and knowing how to get it. This information you can find from books, online, via people, or other sources.
Going through the first and second steps will help you gain a clear understanding of the issue. Now, in the third step, you will have to identify the alternate options to make a decision. You have to know your options to make the right decision. Using your imagination or research will help you with finding different options to solve the issue. Identifying the alternatives helps you determine which course of action is the best way to achieve your goal.
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Because of step 3, you will have at least 2 or 3 decision alternatives that would help you get different outcomes of the decision you will eventually make. Weighing your options means you will have to use your imagination and data and see how each of the alternatives plays out in the end. Evaluate whether the need identified in step 1 is carried out in the end when you choose to make a decision. This will help you figure out which of those alternatives have higher potential and will make you reach your goal faster. Finally, place the alternatives in priority order, based upon your own value system.
Now that you have a list of alternatives, all that is left is to make a choice. In step 4, you have placed the alternatives in priority order based on the outcomes you have studied and researched about. Mostly, people tend to go with the first alternative they have decided on the priority list but your choice is up to you. You can go with one or a combination of multiple alternatives.
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It’s time! Now that you have identified the decision, have relevant information about it, went through alternatives, weighed the evidence, and studied the outcome of each alternative, and at last, made a choice to go with one or a combination of a few alternatives, it is time to take action!
Once you have made your decision, you need to track, control, manage and monitor the progress made by the decision you made. If you are not getting the results you expected, maybe you would like to revisit the ‘decision making process and look for more alternatives and try to find where you went wrong.
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It is important to realize that making wrong decisions is acceptable. It will only make you more experienced and mature and will let you know the steps to avoid while making the next decision. Personality Development training plays a crucial role in decision making tool. It helps us know our passion, how to face stressful events. It helps you in getting to know yourself better so that you know your strengths and weaknesses. Personality Development classes can help you make better and more accurate decisions.
Lastly, decision making can be difficult but it is a very important and inevitable part of everyone’s lives. These steps of the decision making process will help you make the right decisions and move faster towards your goals.
Originally published at https://sanjeevdatta.jimdofree.com on May 22, 2021.