6 Major Types of Psychological Complexes
A healthy-looking watermelon or a pumpkin can be damaged and rotten from within, just like a healthy-looking person. Most of the time, a person is judged by his/her external appearance wherein we miss the internal conflicts a person might be going through. This ideology or yardstick of judging a person on their whats and hows misses the context of whys. If people in society do not take responsibility for each other’s health then there will be a serious lack of empathy, balance, and coherence. These issues can further broaden the gap among the members of the community, thereby causing communal dissonance and havoc.
The purpose of this article is to identify the various types of psychological complexities and differences that can be experienced by a person irrespective of their gender. Mental health and its problems have had little to no recognition previously. However, with the awareness and importance of education, subjects like philosophy, psychology, sociology, and other social science subjects and have found their due recognition among the people. The times we are living in now have ample scope to talk and discuss psychological issues, but sadly these discussions remain behind closed doors, they do not come out of it. We live in a world where change is constant but accepting it is not that fast. The journey from viewing mental health as a taboo was a rough one, but now we have moderately some talks and discussions about it but yet there still is a distance from actual therapy sessions and counseling.
The need and importance to understand the complexities of human emotion and behavior is highly crucial as it determines our survival. If people’s emotions remain unattended for a long time, they might end up succumbing to it. It is disturbing how human emotions and their complexities remain dormant for a long time, but the memories of anguish are still fresh. The social setting influences the human mind in such a delicate manner that it is tough to understand the intricacies of the level at which it is influenced. No matter what we do, this phenomenon is unavoidable.
The mind plays its tricks on the body to make it believe it is healing but deep down, there are so many instances and aspects of the human mind that it calls for exploring it.
Here are certain types of psychological complexes that would validate the purpose of this article:
- God Complex:
As the name suggests, the person having this complex has an unshakeable and rigid belief of being superior to everyone around them. It is mostly because of wisdom, privilege, personal ability, and infallibility. This complex makes it tough for such people to socialize and talk to other people. One of the best personality development classes revolves around the idea of breaking this belief and make people more grounded.
2. Persecution Complex:
This complex is more of a delusion that people suffering from having, claim to be vulnerable victims to everything they believe is possibly stronger than them. They hallucinate the possibility of being attacked. This is far away from reality, thereby making it bizarre. This slowly culminates into schizophrenia and starts officially affecting mental health.
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3. Martyr Complex:
The martyr complex also known as the victim complex is very common among people. Dishonesty and lack of accountability and understanding develop a martyr complex. They develop a scenario where the other person is wronged and give out negative feedback to them such that they can enjoy the attention for being hurt by attracting sympathy.
4. Inferiority Complex:
People who have an inferiority complex always look down upon themselves such that they believe that they are not enough or adequate to achieve a goal or attain success.
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5. Superiority Complex:
The opposite of inferiority complex and a little less rigid than God complex. The belief of being always right and have the most credible ideologies. They do not often respect people’s position and stance.
6. Guilt Complex:
Conscious people who are always alert to their surroundings often tend to have a guilt complex. They believe that their actions might hurt or harm anyone at any point in time.
Human emotions require a constant check on their emotions and intentions. These complexes are a gift by the surroundings to the people. These complexes turn into personality traits and characters that define a person. Some of these are perilous to both the person as well as society. The improvement has to come from an internal need wherein the person undergoes personality development training to make way for a harmonious life in society.
Originally published at https://strengthstheatreacademy.blogspot.com.