5 Predominant Skills to Build Resilience for a Progressive Life

5 min readSep 17, 2020


Skills to Build Resilience

Mental health comprises notably more than the mere lack of diseases or ailments. There are plenty of dimensions when it comes to mental health and it factors a lot in when it is positive mental health as it bestows upon the person resilience. Resilience is the method of being capable to adjust well and rise again instantly in moments of anxiety and stress. This fear and pressure that may exhibit as parents or relationship difficulties, pressing health difficulties, quandaries in the workplace environment, or even pecuniary dilemmas which are given in any life situations. Therefore, it becomes important in today’s life to learn these predominant skills to build resilience in your character.

This is why developing resilience can benefit you to cope with the different situations that you may face as adaptively is one of the kinds of resilience that help you bounce back after adjustments, difficulties, impediments, frustrations, and setbacks. Analysis has shown that resiliency is rather common. People manage to show resilience often when they require it to be done. One example of resilience is the response of many during the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai the response given by people and the police at that time their readiness to address the issue shows resilience. Showing resiliency doesn’t inevitably mean that you have not experienced pressure or anxiety. It also does not imply you have not felt the pain at heart or sorrow. The path to resilience is usually flagged with the extent of pain and anxiety which attributes to great skills eventually.

Well in this article we would be discussing the skills to build resilience which can be learned. It includes generating thoughts, behaviors, and personality development skills that support to overcome traumatic or uneventful stress in life.

It can be handled and build through some of these ways:

1. Handle Your Body as a Feedback

Handle Your Body as a Feedback

Your soul and body are one so always treat your body with care to improve your inner soul. Research has provided that while some people seem to come by resilience automatically, these behaviors can also be studied. But what research has not shown is that the soul and body are one, so if you harden and improve the body; the soul or the mind will become resilient. It is extremely tricky to have a resilient mind if the body is grappling with anxiety and distress due to ailment and a harmful environment.

Visit: decision making skills

2. Connecting with Others:

Connecting with Others, skills to build resilience

Relationships that can render aid and responsibility are one of the main constituents in resilience. Owning a number of these contacts, both within and outside of the family, that offer love, reassurance, and help from within can create and maintain resilience, by forming distinct friendships, for instance.

Visit: benefits of peer mentoring

3. Support Yourself Internally:

Support Yourself Internally

Feed Your body and balance your mind to build resilience needs a completely-support and a mind-body network. This is particularly required because when you discover yourself in a tricky position, your mind will give a sign to your body to utilize its reserves to defend itself. With that said, your resources must be well managed. On the other side of this, a completely-support and a mind-body network do not perceive perils as frequently as someone who does not have the energy and strength to endure the turbulent conditions.

4. Implying able to Control Difficult Feelings:

Implying able to Control Difficult Feelings

This demand being ready to take action without being careless and unpredictable out of the emotion you had gone through. It also incorporates the knowledge to put sentiments aside when undisputed thought and actions are needed. Being able to apply reason and thought as a way of handling an individual’s emotions is a fundamental element of this skill. For example, when you are angry and sad about a precise thought.

5. Being Equipped to Build Practical and Realistic Policies and Seize the Opportunity Which Needs to be Seized:

Seize the Opportunity

Being ready to recognize and see what is required, rather than anything you would desire to be is a skill that needs to be given due credit. Being able to be proactive in situations rather than reactive which blunders up the situation further basically escalating it, assertiveness rather than being aggressive or passive are key elements or components to move in the right direction, for instance, classes on soft skill development which will help you cope with the communication gap with your loved ones, also an effective tool in the workplace environment.

Visit: how to develop emotional intelligence

A resilient person recognizes that achievement, progress, or failure, breakdown in one state of life usually influences all the other fields of life as well. So, having those particular skills to build resilience is an essential tool to beat adversaries, and placing a certain positive standpoint of the eventual future by developing a growth mindset coupled with personality development classes is seemingly one of the simplest concepts you can do to strengthen resilience. Encouraging a growth mindset requires the ambition to be free and welcoming in mind which will help you in being more adaptable to change in turn lets you build a future that makes you happy. As change is inevitable and to prosper change is the stepping stone.

As per the analysis, 85% of success in life is ascertained through personality development skills, leadership qualities, and intelligence which defines the progressive aspect of your future. Join our personality development classes to become successful in life.

Originally published at https://www.sanjeevdatta.com on September 17, 2020.




Written by StrengthsTheatre

Develop your inner self and strengths with premium personality development classes conducted by Sanjeev Datta, the jury member of Miss India Organisation.

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