5 Factors influencing Moral Development of a Child

4 min readNov 25, 2021


5 Factors influencing Moral Development of a Child

When we talk about the personality development of a child one of the most important factors that we always consider is the moral development of a child. It is one of the most important aspects that need to consider because it lays the foundation for the future growth of the child. A child whose moral development has been disturbed or interrupted, says various studies, ultimately turn out to be either amoral or immoral both of which can hinder them to lead a normal life. There are various factors influencing the moral development of a child. Let’s have a look at each of these factors and their impact on a child’s overall being.

Factors Influencing Moral Development of Child:

Moral development in plain and simple terms can be defined as the process via which a child acquires various values that are upheld by the community in which they live and also learn a sense of what is right or wrong. This is not as easy as it sounds because various factors influencing the moral development of a child and what all he will miss out on the path.

  1. Family:

One of the first places in life where a child comes across the concept of morality is the family in which it is born and thus it plays a singular role in their morality development. Various moral values like — collaboration or co-operation, honesty, respect, discipline, obedience, sincerity, truthfulness, working for the society, helping each other in the hours of need, and more are all first taught in the family. Thus, making sure that the family has a healthy and positive environment for doing so is very important. In addition, various deeds and actions that are approved by the parents and are regarded as good are considered to be good by the child and vice-versa. Thus, parents need to realize the kind of mental impact they have on their children.

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2. School:

After family, children move to school which is considered to be the fountain of moral and social virtues. Not only does it plays a major role in forming and developing various moral values, but it also gives the various first impression of such values. In school, it is a teacher who is considered to be the most impactful. The moral and social values of a teacher, how they behave, their beliefs, discipline, and all such tell how their students will be. In addition, various other extracurricular activities like mass morning prayer, sports day, annual day, various contests, and competitions also majorly impact the child and help in morality development.

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3. Peer Group:

It is vital for friends to know what kind of friend circle their children are a part of. In terms of moral development, friends also play an important part because parents cannot be with their children all the time nor the teachers. Thus, what kind of friends your children hang out with they will eventually pick up their habits and others things. If the friends are those who spend time reading books, then eventually your children will learn to do the same and if they are into substance use and abuse your children no matter how innocent and shy will end up being a smoker or drinkers or something even worse. Thus it is quite vital that parents are aware of the friend circle of their children and they prohibit their children to be friends with the wrong people. For more on this, you can also look for personality development classes and get more insights on the same.

4. Society and Culture:

What a child will be like when he or she grows up majorly also depends on the kind of society they are a part of. In addition, the values they will gain will also largely depend on the society and the culture they are a part of. This is one of the factors that are not under the control but plays a major role because the general social atmosphere majorly affects the person and how he thinks and processes various things. This is why people of two cultures are different from each other. You can also opt for the best personality development school to get more insights on the same.

5. Age Group:

Certain things are to be taught at a certain age and just like certain morals can be taught only at a certain age. The age group of a child also affects moral development. In addition, certain values come on their own as the child grows and parents need to force all that. With the growing age, a child becomes even more critical of such things.

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Apart from these, sex and religion are also the factors influencing the moral development of a child. But unlike the rest, these are less important and thus not to be considered very strictly. Moral development is vital for the overall development of a child.

Originally published at http://reallyinfluential.wordpress.com on November 25, 2021.




Written by StrengthsTheatre

Develop your inner self and strengths with premium personality development classes conducted by Sanjeev Datta, the jury member of Miss India Organisation.

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